All Things Production & Company
 Call us: 704-649-7138
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We Build TV Show Sets 
We Build TV Show Sets
This company is exactly what it sounds like.  Have you ever seen an infomercial or a pastor on TV that has a great message but the TV set ( chairs, background, lighting, etc...) are designed so badly, that it distracts you from the message?  Well that's where we come in.  We build customized TV sets for your company, organization or ministry.   We want how you look to be just as impactful as what you are saying.  Don't allow your image on TV to be a distraction anymore!  Contact us today, your personalized custom TV set is just a phone call away.
At All Things Production Company, is the parent company for (We Build TV Show Sets)  Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient.
All Things Production & Company Copyright 2016